To advance women's leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training.
Women as catalysts for lasting community change.
Through hands-on training and formal learning opportunities we will give members the skills needed to improve the quality of life in the communities we serve.
 Dear Friends,
I hope your Halloween was full of sweet treats, spooky ghouls, happy kids, and scary screams! Though the weather doesn't show it, we have officially entered holiday season For myself and many others, work and other life commitments are particularly busy this time of year, making it easy to forget the reason for the season. My hope for all of us this year is that we're able to stay present, feel grateful, and enjoy the special time with our loved ones.
At our GMM last month, the Membership Committee hosted our first inaugural Chilli Cook-Off. Several members entered their chili into the blind tasting contest and others chipped in to complete the meal with cornbread, salad, and more. I am pleased to share that Lara Bailey won first place in the cook-off. Congratulations, Lara! I hope you'll all keep perfecting your recipes and join us in our second annual cook-off next fall.
Jamie Bond, from Place of Hope, joined our GMM to teach us more about the issues and prevalence of human trafficking, domestic violence, and poverty in our community. We learned what Place of Hope is doing to meet the needs of those afflicted by these issues, and we also learned what each of us catalysts of change can do to help.
We also had a brief reaffirmation of our new mission statement: to advance women's leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training.
We achieve our mission through:
- Volunteer action — service opportunities coordinated by Community Committee
- Training — workshops, conferences, serving in leadership roles, learning how to plan and execute a large-scale fundraising event like Reindeer Dash, etc.
- Collaboration — by collaborating with other community leaders (policymakers, change-makers, nonprofits, etc.) we can (1) learn more about issues impacting our community; (2) become educated advocates; and (3) leverage our skills and leadership to create change for the better.
Through these channels, we advance leadership amongst ourselves, to create meaningful community impact. What kind of community impact is determined by our impact areas and initiatives, voted on by all our members earlier this year.
In the spirit of the season, I want to take a moment to tell you all how grateful I am to each of you. I am grateful for your friendship, for the unique experiences we all share together, and for helping make me a better person and leader. Amongst what I hope is a very long list of things you're thankful for this year, I hope the Junior League of Martin County is one of them.
Taylor Gilmour, MPP, CFRE
The Junior League of Martin County
Impact Areas Survey Results
Through hands-on training and formal learning opportunities we give members the skills needed to improve the quality of life in the communities we serve. To continue the Junior League's tradition of identifying problems and finding solutions in a collaborative way, we focus our community projects, training opportunities, fundraising, and advocacy on initiatives that fall into our impact areas.
After polling members, we identified the top priorities in each of our impact areas:
- Women: domestic violence; human trafficking; and women's health
- Children: child sex trafficking; self-esteem; teen dating violence; and health, nutrition, and food insecurity
- Civic Leadership: individual leadership training
Member Education and Training Survey Results
Our mission is to train and create leaders in our community. We surveyed members to learn more about the skills/topics you want to cultivate. The top results are included below.
- Mental health & self care
- Leadership
- Board Member Engagement (for board service in JL and beyond)
Reindeer Dash: Sponsorships Needed!
Our Junior League's 15th Annual Rudolph's Reindeer Dash 5k and 10k will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023 at Memorial Park in downtown Stuart. This annual fundraising event would not be a success without our sponsors, and we need YOUR help securing sponsorships. Proceeds of this signature event support our Junior League's community projects and programs. Click here to see/print our sponsor packet. Organizations can also complete a sponsorship form online on the 5k event page here.
League Gallery
View our JLMC Photo Gallery here. If this is your first time accessing the gallery, please submit a request when prompted. Your request will be approved shortly. When viewing the gallery, select the "grid view" button on the upper right to see the pictures as icons rather than a file list. To submit photos to the gallery, email your pictures to communications@jlmcflorida.org with the name and date of the JLMC activity where the pictures were taken.
Tiki Taxi Social (Nov 9)
Join JLMC for an evening on the water with the Stuart Tiki Taxi! This fun evening is open to all current and potential Junior League members. Sign up online.
General Membership Meetings (Nov 14)
You can expect a Know Before You Go (KBYG) email from your Advisory the week before the GMM. Not sure who you're advisor is, or not receiving emails? Hop onto the Member Area on our website and see the list on the Advisory page.
Brookdale Senior Living Visit (Nov 17)
Volunteers will be dropping off desserts (cookies, brownies, etc. purchased from Costco) and visiting the residents of the Brookdale Senior Living facilities. Sign up online.
Meet and Mingle (Nov 19)
Join us for our upcoming Meet and Mingle! Held on the third Sunday of each month at Lush Lounge, we invite current and potential new members to join us.
Reindeer Dash Packet Pickup I (Nov 29)
Runners are invited to pick up their race day packet, race bib, and t-shirt on Wednesday, November 29, 11am - 5 pm, at Fleet Feet Stuart. Sign up online.
Reindeer Dash Packet Pickup II (Nov 30)
Runners are invited to pick up their race day packet, race bib, and t-shirt on Wednesday, November 30, 4-8 pm, at Ocean Republic Brewing. Sign up online.
Reindeer Dash 5k and 10k (Dec 2)
Join us for the 15th Annual Reindeer Dash 5k and 10k in historic Downtown Stuart! Our signature event raises money to support our operational budget for the year, including all of our charitable programming. We need your help to make this year a success! Please reach out to ReindeerDash@jlmcflorida.org with any questions, sponsorships, or volunteer interest.
Online Calendar
Not sure where to find all the JLMC latest and greatest? You can find all JLMC activities on our Member Calendar! Learn about GMM's, sign up to volunteer, and register for events all in one place.
Please utilize the Member Area of our website to learn the latest and greatest at JLMC: save the dates for upcoming events; sign up for volunteer opportunities; find organizational and committee resources; pay your annual membership dues; and more.
Active and Sustaining members can also rely on monthly member newsletter e-mailed from JLMC President, Taylor Gilmour, and Sustainer Director, Julia Sansevere. Can't find the eblast in your inbox? You can find the month's full newsletter in the Member Area on the page called In the News.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to either Taylor or Julia with any questions or concerns.
Join Us on Social
We invite you to join us on social media! Please note that these are supplemental communication tools and members should not rely on any of these platforms as an exclusive source of JLMC information.
Facebook Page - @Junior League of Martin County
Facebook Member Group - @JLMC Member Group
Facebook Classifieds Group - @JLMC Classifieds
Instagram - @JuniorLeagueMC
LinkedIn - @Junior League of Martin County
Twitter - @JuniorLeagueMC
The Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI) is a wealth of knowledge and resources for JLMC and its members. From regular conferences to stand-alone webinars, there are always valuable training opportunities and other resources available.
Use this link to create/log in to your AJLI member account to get started!
League Success Manager
We are excited to share that AJLI has created League Success Managers (LSM) for all leagues. Our League's assigned LSM is a dedicated professional who will serve as a liaison, ambassador, resource, and educator between AJLI and JLMC. Her primary purpose is to provide unwavering support and guidance as we navigate the path to success. We are very optimistic that our new LSM will help connect the greater AJLI mission and resources with our League's strategic efforts at the local level.
Lean In Circles
We are also thrilled to announce the launching of Lean In Circles, in partnership with AJLI and Lean In. These small peer groups will focus on skill building, connection, and networking across all Junior Leagues! Topics covered during the Circles will range from work-life balance to negotiation strategy to inclusive leadership. This is a great tool to further our mission of advancing women's leadership and also to connect with members worldwide. Click Here to register.
Learning Portal
We have relaunched the Learning Portal with new content and resources for self-paced, independent learning in our core disciplines. Check it out HERE.
Virtual Workshops
Check out upcoming webinars HERE.
Association Townhalls
Join AJLI Board President Dona Ponepinto and CEO Melanie Schild for an inside look at the ongoing initiatives dedicated to helping your League meet its goals. These meetings are devoted to keeping League Leaders and Members informed on the day-to-day operations of AJLI, while also providing you an opportunity to share your successes, questions, and concerns. Help guide the conversation by sending your questions and discussion topic suggestions to mneyenhaus@ajli.org. Sign up HERE.